Tuesday, September 22, 2009

Water Wars and BBQ

On Saturday, September 19 the chapter held their first annual Water War and BBQ. There was a great turnout!! Over 30 Marketing 1 and 2 students showed for a day of fun! The weather was not the best and clouds were rolling in, but everyone had the DECA spirit and was willing to give it a go!

We set up a huge slip and slide on the football practice field hill and played a game of capture the flag with water ballons and squirt guns! It was a blast!

After all the water fun the parents came for a BBQ. This was one of the best turnouts that we have had in years for our parent meeting.The Officer Team gave an informatioinal speech about DECA and all it offers.  We had burgers that Steve York and Ron Lusk prepared - way to go grill masters! It was a fun day and a big thank you goes out to everyone who helped cook, brought food and showed up to support Bend High DECA!